
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

There was media blackout in the West about the USA+coalition-aided escape of headchoppers ....

from Raqqa, the city that had become the suicide-belt wearers' capital and where they were nesting like vipers.  Assad's army was readying itself to advance on Raqqa  but the good old USA along with their lapdogs decided that the vipers needed to be saved and spread over other landscapes of Syria where they could continue doing their evil on USA+lapdogs' behalf.

Thousands of terrorism-hardened terrorists managed to escape Raqqa in convoys which were several kilometers long. Will these terrorists make their way into EU, USA, Canada, Australia and UK now?  Was that the reason they were aided in their escape so they could "go forth and multiply" and the continuation of the mantra of "Muslim terrorism" be kept alive? That mantra helps the arms industry to sell more weapons, small and big.  Small weapons to individuals to help keep their own person as well as  their families safe from potential "Muslim terrorists" and big weapons to help countries make fresh or continue their ongoing wars to control or eradicate "radical Muslim terrorism".

From the BBC

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